1. 6+1 Traits by Megan: I learned the "language" of the traits to use. I learned how to use picture books to model 1 trait at a time.
2. Writer's Notebooks by Lupe: I learned how to buy and prepare a writer's notebook for each student. I also learned some strategies for how to organize that notebook.
3. Journaling by Shannon: I learned about buying and presenting a journal to each student that they claim ownership of by covering and decorating themselves. I was given some writing prompts to write in the journals or have student write in. I was given ideas for grading and setting up routines.
4. Potpourri for Beginning Writers by Audrey: I was given black lines and opportunities to practice using some of them. I will take them with me in my toolbox in a notebook.
5. Content writing around 1 book by Cheryl K. Practical incremental example of a writing unit series of activities around 1 book. Some helpful concrete ideas to apply to any book.
6. Using music to inspire writing by Cheryl F. I was reminded about using song lyrics as take off for writing. I loved the idea of listening to music portions, stopping, drawing, then listening and drawing again. Writing can be added later.
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