Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lucy Calkins: Art of Teaching Writing, ch. 11 Predictable

This reminds me of a refrigerator.

1. I have to have a frig.
2. My frig should have certain compartments, shelves, categories.

I have to have the frig. What if someone takes over most of it, or it goes on the blink or I am told I can only have it certain days a week. Yet I cling to having that frig. I may need to get another frig, or reduce the space I have, or rearrange it, but I hang onto it.

One has to hang onto a time for writing. Distill it down to what can be the most predictable time and amount of time you have. Then hang onto it.

Second, now that you have your frig, no matter how small it is or how limited the space, decide what is most essential to put in that frig. There are the dairy products, the meat products, the fresh fruits and vegetables and the created recipe dishes and the leftovers.
So now you have your "time for writng", in that time there should be components of writing. There are minilesson, time to write, time to confer, time to respond, time to share,and time to celbrate or publsih.


  1. gosh... appliances sure do keep popping up. Could you wrtie about your frig? he he!

  2. Yes, along with my rocking chair!
