Monday, August 2, 2010

Week end wanderings

1. Books:
Read A Good Dog if you have ever had to put a dog to sleep.
Read A Dog for All Seasons if you have a dog that went with you through marriage, family, sheep, Idaho, ranching, writing and self-nurturing.

2. Coupons? Yep!
Look what NIWP "made me do."
Read about coupons!
In The Market this weeks flyer with adds recommended these sources--

3. Journaling

barometric pressure
floppy or tight eyes
Scale of pain
Location of pain
To sleep or not to sleep
shunt-induced migraines
What is the price of a child?

4. Willy on Sunday saying,

God is happy to see me!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Final Reflection

Teachers with teachers; We were our own keynote speakers.
How to have an orderly fire drill.
Getting to write.
Creating blogs.
Reading blogs.
Community of writers
Humor amidst anxiety
Digital Story telling--Macs Rule?
Writing ideas from coupons!
Nurturing Marigold seeds--a writer's metaphor.
Goodbye Rodney?
Border collies, sheep, catnaps.
Bird Walking--a novel term.
Make your own salads.
I am from . . .
We are going . . .

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What I learned from presentations to take to classroom.

1. 6+1 Traits by Megan: I learned the "language" of the traits to use. I learned how to use picture books to model 1 trait at a time.
2. Writer's Notebooks by Lupe: I learned how to buy and prepare a writer's notebook for each student. I also learned some strategies for how to organize that notebook.
3. Journaling by Shannon: I learned about buying and presenting a journal to each student that they claim ownership of by covering and decorating themselves. I was given some writing prompts to write in the journals or have student write in. I was given ideas for grading and setting up routines.
4. Potpourri for Beginning Writers by Audrey: I was given black lines and opportunities to practice using some of them. I will take them with me in my toolbox in a notebook.
5. Content writing around 1 book by Cheryl K. Practical incremental example of a writing unit series of activities around 1 book. Some helpful concrete ideas to apply to any book.
6. Using music to inspire writing by Cheryl F. I was reminded about using song lyrics as take off for writing. I loved the idea of listening to music portions, stopping, drawing, then listening and drawing again. Writing can be added later.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Rubrics do not replace good teaching
Students help design rubric.
Revise the rubric as the year goes by, deleting, adding,
Rubric needs to be subject, development level appropriate

A rubric clarifies goals
A rubric designs instruction
A rubric communicates goals
A rubric guides feedback
A rubric guides the final product

A rubric can be used for
self evaluation
peer evaluation
teacher evaluation
ongoing evaluation
high lighted evaluation

Is the rubric valid?
Is the rubric reliable?
Is the rubric equal?

And yea for rubric web sites!!!!!!!

Did I hear behavior rubrics?

50 years ago my cousin said,
"All I learned to do in school today was stand in that stupid old line."

Hmm. Put that into a rubric?